herbal extract for cosmetic
Rhinacanthus Extract Liquid
Product Name : Rhinacanthus Extract Liquid Rhinacanthus nasutus (Linn) is a flowering plant that belongs to the Acanthaceae family and is well recognized for its remedial uses. R. nasutus is also commonly known as Snake Jasmine due to the shape of its flowers. In addition, the roots or leaves of this plant has been reported to be used in traditional medicine to counter the effects of snake venom . Different parts of this plant have also been traditionally used for the treatment of various diseases such as diabetes, eczema, pulmonary tuberculosis, herpes, hypertension, hepatitis, and several types of skin diseases.
Product Name : Rhinacanthus Extract Liquid Rhinacanthus nasutus (Linn) is a flowering plant that belongs to the Acanthaceae family and is well recognized for its remedial uses. R. nasutus is also commonly known as Snake Jasmine due to the shape of its flowers. In addition, the roots or leaves of this plant has been reported to be used in traditional medicine to counter the effects of snake venom . Different parts of this plant have also been traditionally used for the treatment of various diseases such as diabetes, eczema, pulmonary tuberculosis, herpes, hypertension, hepatitis, and several types of skin diseases.
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Rhubarb Extract Liquid
Product Name : Rhubarb Extract Liquid Rhubarb is a large. The roots/rhizomes are the part used medicinally with a brown exterior and a yellow interior. This plant originated from the Asian countries such as Thailand and China. In traditional use, anthraquinones are a laxative, tannins are a constipated agent. Moreover, it helps to relief for cough. Recently, the skin whitening cosmetics form natural products have been very popular and most of them are tyrosinase inhibitory activity.
Product Name : Rhubarb Extract Liquid Rhubarb is a large. The roots/rhizomes are the part used medicinally with a brown exterior and a yellow interior. This plant originated from the Asian countries such as Thailand and China. In traditional use, anthraquinones are a laxative, tannins are a constipated agent. Moreover, it helps to relief for cough. Recently, the skin whitening cosmetics form natural products have been very popular and most of them are tyrosinase inhibitory activity.
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Rice Extract Liquid
Product Name : Rice Extract Liquid Rice is an herbaceous plant originating in tropical regions. Rice is a staple diet of Asians. The part of the grain that contains plenty of vitamin B is next to the peel. When milled, vitamin B is concentrated in the rice bran. Vitamin B has curative properties for beriberi, edema, and similar problems. In traditional medicine, the starch, mixed with water, is used as a poultice to alleviate inflammation of herpes, burns, and scalds. The immature rice produces rice milk for the patient. In cosmetics, rice bran is used in antiaging products. Many active...
Product Name : Rice Extract Liquid Rice is an herbaceous plant originating in tropical regions. Rice is a staple diet of Asians. The part of the grain that contains plenty of vitamin B is next to the peel. When milled, vitamin B is concentrated in the rice bran. Vitamin B has curative properties for beriberi, edema, and similar problems. In traditional medicine, the starch, mixed with water, is used as a poultice to alleviate inflammation of herpes, burns, and scalds. The immature rice produces rice milk for the patient. In cosmetics, rice bran is used in antiaging products. Many active...
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Rose Mallow Extract Liquid
Product Name : Rose Mallow Extract Powder Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Linn. is a glabrous shrub widely cultivated in tropical area as an ornamental plant from their various colorful flowers. It has various type depend on their colorful flowers. This color is from flavonoids compound, with beneficial in cosmetic application.
Product Name : Rose Mallow Extract Powder Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Linn. is a glabrous shrub widely cultivated in tropical area as an ornamental plant from their various colorful flowers. It has various type depend on their colorful flowers. This color is from flavonoids compound, with beneficial in cosmetic application.
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Roselle Extract Liquid
Product Name : Roselle Extract Liquid Roselle (Hibiscus) is a small-sized shrub originating in Thailand. The sour taste of Roselle is attributed to organic acids, which have the property of lowering fatty substances in the blood by activating bile acid that acts to dissolve fatty substances. The parts used are sepals and bracts, which are purplish-red in color due to Anthocyanin. The organic acids in Roselle are Hibiscic acid, Citric acid, Ascorbic acid, etc. It also helps to protect against Calculus, which can cause Calculosis.
Product Name : Roselle Extract Liquid Roselle (Hibiscus) is a small-sized shrub originating in Thailand. The sour taste of Roselle is attributed to organic acids, which have the property of lowering fatty substances in the blood by activating bile acid that acts to dissolve fatty substances. The parts used are sepals and bracts, which are purplish-red in color due to Anthocyanin. The organic acids in Roselle are Hibiscic acid, Citric acid, Ascorbic acid, etc. It also helps to protect against Calculus, which can cause Calculosis.
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Safflower Extract Liquid
Product Name : Safflower Extract Liquid Safflower is a herbaceous plant that grows in the Northern region of Thailand. Thai traditional medicine used it for blood nourishment, relieving pain on the skin, decreasing blood lipid, and prevent plugged blood vessel. The active ingredient of Safflower is Carhamin, which is yellow in color, and is safe for consumption. The seed is used as an expectorant, a remedy for skin diseases, edema, uterus pain after birth, and emmenagogue. Also it has certain oils, which is the best grade of vegetable oils. Due to its content of high unsaturated fatty acids up to ...
Product Name : Safflower Extract Liquid Safflower is a herbaceous plant that grows in the Northern region of Thailand. Thai traditional medicine used it for blood nourishment, relieving pain on the skin, decreasing blood lipid, and prevent plugged blood vessel. The active ingredient of Safflower is Carhamin, which is yellow in color, and is safe for consumption. The seed is used as an expectorant, a remedy for skin diseases, edema, uterus pain after birth, and emmenagogue. Also it has certain oils, which is the best grade of vegetable oils. Due to its content of high unsaturated fatty acids up to ...
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Sericin Extract Liquid
Product Name : Sericin Extract Liquid Sericin is a type of protein created by Bombyx mori (silkworms) in the production of silk. Silk emitted by the silkworm consists of two main proteins, Sericin and fibroin; fibroin being the structural center of the silk, and sericin being the sticky material surrounding Sericin can by widely used in cosmetics, health food, textiles and medical fields as it provides normal 18 amino acids similar to amino acid in human body especially Serine, Glycine and Aspartic acid will be found in large quantities.
Product Name : Sericin Extract Liquid Sericin is a type of protein created by Bombyx mori (silkworms) in the production of silk. Silk emitted by the silkworm consists of two main proteins, Sericin and fibroin; fibroin being the structural center of the silk, and sericin being the sticky material surrounding Sericin can by widely used in cosmetics, health food, textiles and medical fields as it provides normal 18 amino acids similar to amino acid in human body especially Serine, Glycine and Aspartic acid will be found in large quantities.
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Shallot Extract Liquid
Product Name : Shallot Extract Liquid Allium ascalonicum is a member of the Alliaceae family. The common name is called shallot and Hom-Dang (In Thai). Shallot like onion and garlic, are group in the Allium family. The bulb of shallot has pink to violet light color, it has strong odor and pungent. Shallot are commonly used in cooking, they are used as a condiment in various Asian cuisines. In traditional medicine, the shallots have been used as treatment colds, fever, stuffy nose, decrease acne and reduce scar. The phytochemicals previously reported from shallot include polyphenolic, volatile sulfur compounds and flavonoids...
Product Name : Shallot Extract Liquid Allium ascalonicum is a member of the Alliaceae family. The common name is called shallot and Hom-Dang (In Thai). Shallot like onion and garlic, are group in the Allium family. The bulb of shallot has pink to violet light color, it has strong odor and pungent. Shallot are commonly used in cooking, they are used as a condiment in various Asian cuisines. In traditional medicine, the shallots have been used as treatment colds, fever, stuffy nose, decrease acne and reduce scar. The phytochemicals previously reported from shallot include polyphenolic, volatile sulfur compounds and flavonoids...
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Star Fruit Extract Liquid
Product Name : Star Fruit Extract Liquid The carambola or star fruit tree is evergreen, small to medium in height (7 to 10 m), and spreading in diameter (6 to 7.6 m). It is a plant native to Southeast Asia in tropical lowlands of India, Malaysia and Indonesia. The fruit is ovate to ellipsoid in shape about 5 -12 centimeters long, between 2.5 - 6 centimeters in diameter prominent longitudinal ribs and star-shaped in cross section. The skin is thin, smooth, and waxy and turns a light to dark yellow when ripe. The fruits are acidic nature due to its...
Product Name : Star Fruit Extract Liquid The carambola or star fruit tree is evergreen, small to medium in height (7 to 10 m), and spreading in diameter (6 to 7.6 m). It is a plant native to Southeast Asia in tropical lowlands of India, Malaysia and Indonesia. The fruit is ovate to ellipsoid in shape about 5 -12 centimeters long, between 2.5 - 6 centimeters in diameter prominent longitudinal ribs and star-shaped in cross section. The skin is thin, smooth, and waxy and turns a light to dark yellow when ripe. The fruits are acidic nature due to its...
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Stemonic Extract Liquid
Product Name : Stemonic Extract Liquid Stemona is a climbing plant with rhizome commonly found in forests in East and Southeast Asia. In traditional medicine, it is used for treatment of skin diseases, lymphedema, rashes, scabies, and lice. Mixed with water, it can also be used as a pesticide. In cosmetics, Stemonic is applied as an ingredient in louse elimination products. The louse eliminating effect derives from alkaloid compounds in stemonoid group such as stemonine, tuberostemonine, neotuberostemonine, etc. and rotenoid group such as stemonal, stemonone, etc.
Product Name : Stemonic Extract Liquid Stemona is a climbing plant with rhizome commonly found in forests in East and Southeast Asia. In traditional medicine, it is used for treatment of skin diseases, lymphedema, rashes, scabies, and lice. Mixed with water, it can also be used as a pesticide. In cosmetics, Stemonic is applied as an ingredient in louse elimination products. The louse eliminating effect derives from alkaloid compounds in stemonoid group such as stemonine, tuberostemonine, neotuberostemonine, etc. and rotenoid group such as stemonal, stemonone, etc.
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Sunchoke Extract Powder
Product Name : Sunchoke Extract Powder Sunchoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) is a species of sunflower in family Asteraceae. It is commonly known as Jerusalem arichoke, Sunroot, Sunchoke, Earth apple and also called Kaen-ta-wan in Thailand. Sunchoke is a herbaceous perennial plant, its flowers have yellow color. The tubers have light to dark brown color and look like ginger root. Sunchoke tuber as food is consumed in the form of fresh and cooked such as salad, roasted, steamed, boiled and fried. The main compounds in tuber are Inulin and Fructo-oligosaccharide. These compounds are a group of Polysaccharide. It can’t digest in...
Product Name : Sunchoke Extract Powder Sunchoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) is a species of sunflower in family Asteraceae. It is commonly known as Jerusalem arichoke, Sunroot, Sunchoke, Earth apple and also called Kaen-ta-wan in Thailand. Sunchoke is a herbaceous perennial plant, its flowers have yellow color. The tubers have light to dark brown color and look like ginger root. Sunchoke tuber as food is consumed in the form of fresh and cooked such as salad, roasted, steamed, boiled and fried. The main compounds in tuber are Inulin and Fructo-oligosaccharide. These compounds are a group of Polysaccharide. It can’t digest in...
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Tamarind Extract Liquid
Product Name : Tamarind Extract Liquid Tamarind is a big-sized perennial plant with sour-tasting leaf, flower, and pod. It originates in Madagascar in the tropical area of South Africa and is spread throughout the world. Medical research has indicated that the seed extract contains Xyloglucan with free radical scavenging and immunizing activities. Tamarind can be used as a laxative and an expectorant due to organic acids such as tartaric acid, citric acid, malic acid, etc. In traditional medicine, the juice is used as a beverage for patients with constipation. In addition, substances like gum and pectin cause Tamarind meat to ...
Product Name : Tamarind Extract Liquid Tamarind is a big-sized perennial plant with sour-tasting leaf, flower, and pod. It originates in Madagascar in the tropical area of South Africa and is spread throughout the world. Medical research has indicated that the seed extract contains Xyloglucan with free radical scavenging and immunizing activities. Tamarind can be used as a laxative and an expectorant due to organic acids such as tartaric acid, citric acid, malic acid, etc. In traditional medicine, the juice is used as a beverage for patients with constipation. In addition, substances like gum and pectin cause Tamarind meat to ...
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