Weight control
herbal extract for food supplement
Baelfruit Extract Powder
Product Name : Baelfruit Extract Powder Bael fruit is a tropical fruit native to Southeast Asia and grown all over parts of Thailand. It is an attractive and characteristically sweet aroma fruit and known to be a good source of natural antioxidants and bioactive compounds. Every part (stem, bark, root, leaves and fruits) has medicinal virtues and have long known as herbal medicines. Its peel is hard and greenish to brownish depending on ripening stage; the pulp contains many functional and bioactive compounds which may protect us against chronic diseases. The uses of bael fruit in aspects of food have...
Product Name : Baelfruit Extract Powder Bael fruit is a tropical fruit native to Southeast Asia and grown all over parts of Thailand. It is an attractive and characteristically sweet aroma fruit and known to be a good source of natural antioxidants and bioactive compounds. Every part (stem, bark, root, leaves and fruits) has medicinal virtues and have long known as herbal medicines. Its peel is hard and greenish to brownish depending on ripening stage; the pulp contains many functional and bioactive compounds which may protect us against chronic diseases. The uses of bael fruit in aspects of food have...
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herbal extract for food supplement
Beleric Extract Powder
Product Name : Beleric Extract Powder Beleric (BelericMyrobalan, Ink Nut) is a big-sized perennial tree commonly found in tropical areas. In traditional Thai medicineit is used as laxative and expectorant for the relief of amoebic diseases, etc. Recently, research has shown that anthraquinone is the most important irritant herbal compounds. It significantly alters gastrointestinal motility to the extent. Beside, sennosides can inhibit the absorption of fluid from the gut and enhance laxative action. Therefore this type of herbs is used as laxatives, cathartics and purgatives.
Product Name : Beleric Extract Powder Beleric (BelericMyrobalan, Ink Nut) is a big-sized perennial tree commonly found in tropical areas. In traditional Thai medicineit is used as laxative and expectorant for the relief of amoebic diseases, etc. Recently, research has shown that anthraquinone is the most important irritant herbal compounds. It significantly alters gastrointestinal motility to the extent. Beside, sennosides can inhibit the absorption of fluid from the gut and enhance laxative action. Therefore this type of herbs is used as laxatives, cathartics and purgatives.
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herbal extract for food supplement
Cactus Extract Powder
Product Name : Cactus Extract Powder Cactus is a plant native to originate in the desert. Their distinctive appearance is a result of adaptations to conserve water in dry and/or hot environments. In most species, the stem has evolved to become photosynthetic and succulent, while the leaves have evolved into spines. Many species are used for ornamental plants, and some are also grown for food, feed, fruits, a boundary fence and other uses.
Product Name : Cactus Extract Powder Cactus is a plant native to originate in the desert. Their distinctive appearance is a result of adaptations to conserve water in dry and/or hot environments. In most species, the stem has evolved to become photosynthetic and succulent, while the leaves have evolved into spines. Many species are used for ornamental plants, and some are also grown for food, feed, fruits, a boundary fence and other uses.
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herbal extract for food supplement
Capsicum Extract Powder
Product Name : Capsicum Extract Powder Capsicum or Chili is a long-living herbaceous plant originally from the tropical areas in South America. Now, it is widely cultivated in most tropical areas of the world. Capsicum is used as a stomachic, a carminative, and as a digestive when there is a small amount of gastric juice. It is also used as an expectorant, an anti-emetic, and as a perspirant. In traditional medicine, Capsicum mixed with Myrrh will have highly antiseptic property and used as a rubefacient for relieving of muscle pain. In cosmetics, the Capsicum extract is used as an anticellulite for...
Product Name : Capsicum Extract Powder Capsicum or Chili is a long-living herbaceous plant originally from the tropical areas in South America. Now, it is widely cultivated in most tropical areas of the world. Capsicum is used as a stomachic, a carminative, and as a digestive when there is a small amount of gastric juice. It is also used as an expectorant, an anti-emetic, and as a perspirant. In traditional medicine, Capsicum mixed with Myrrh will have highly antiseptic property and used as a rubefacient for relieving of muscle pain. In cosmetics, the Capsicum extract is used as an anticellulite for...
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Cassia siamea Extract Powder
Product Name : Cassia Siamea also known as Cassod Tree, Khee-lek (in Thai). The leaves even-pinnate, young leaves covered with greenish brown and flowers have yellow color. It is a medicinal plant popularly used in Thailand. The fresh young flowers and young leaves have been used as vegetables in Thailand. They can be prepared as food by cooking with coconut milk, curry paste and cooked as a curry which is used as a mild laxative and sleeping aid. The young leaves contain barakol. That can depress central nervous system, help to relieve of stress and sleep easy.
Product Name : Cassia Siamea also known as Cassod Tree, Khee-lek (in Thai). The leaves even-pinnate, young leaves covered with greenish brown and flowers have yellow color. It is a medicinal plant popularly used in Thailand. The fresh young flowers and young leaves have been used as vegetables in Thailand. They can be prepared as food by cooking with coconut milk, curry paste and cooked as a curry which is used as a mild laxative and sleeping aid. The young leaves contain barakol. That can depress central nervous system, help to relieve of stress and sleep easy.
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Coix Lacryma Extract Powder
Product Name : Centella asiatica Extract Powder The Job’tear also known as Dua i or Luk dueai (in Thai). Each seed of the plant is produced individually, enclosed in a tear-shaped shell that is naturally a pale grey color. Job's tear is commonly used in Asia as food and medicine. It is also popularly used as a traditional herb to treat diuretic, anti-rheumatic, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, hypoglycemic and weight control. In China, it is one the most popular herbs used in the diet therapy for stiff joints. Coix is an important source of polysaccharide, protein, fiber and vitamin B1. Nowadays, it’s used...
Product Name : Centella asiatica Extract Powder The Job’tear also known as Dua i or Luk dueai (in Thai). Each seed of the plant is produced individually, enclosed in a tear-shaped shell that is naturally a pale grey color. Job's tear is commonly used in Asia as food and medicine. It is also popularly used as a traditional herb to treat diuretic, anti-rheumatic, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, hypoglycemic and weight control. In China, it is one the most popular herbs used in the diet therapy for stiff joints. Coix is an important source of polysaccharide, protein, fiber and vitamin B1. Nowadays, it’s used...
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herbal extract for food supplement
Garcinia Extract Powder
Product Name : Garcinia Extract Powder Garcinia is a big-sized perennial plant commonly found in evergreen forests in the Southern region of Thailand. The fruit contains fruiting acids such as Hydroxycitric acid, Tartaric acid, Malic acid and Ascorbic acid that are strong antioxidant activity. The weight gains when the capacity of strong glycogen in the liver and muscles reaches the limit, the additional glucose in converted into fat and stored in the body. (-) - Hydroxycitric acid (-) - HCA] contained in Garcinia extract is a potent inhibitor of ATP lyase, which is the catalyze of the extramitochondrial cleavage. The limitation...
Product Name : Garcinia Extract Powder Garcinia is a big-sized perennial plant commonly found in evergreen forests in the Southern region of Thailand. The fruit contains fruiting acids such as Hydroxycitric acid, Tartaric acid, Malic acid and Ascorbic acid that are strong antioxidant activity. The weight gains when the capacity of strong glycogen in the liver and muscles reaches the limit, the additional glucose in converted into fat and stored in the body. (-) - Hydroxycitric acid (-) - HCA] contained in Garcinia extract is a potent inhibitor of ATP lyase, which is the catalyze of the extramitochondrial cleavage. The limitation...
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herbal extract for food supplement
Konjac Extract Powder
Product Name : Konjac Extract Powder Konjac or Stanley’s water-tub is the same type of herbaceous plant as Taro. It has been consumed as food for a long time. The Japanese believe that the starch from Konjac, when eaten helps to clean the intestine. The active ingredient that is commercially product is glucomannan. It is a long-chain carbohydrate consists of glucose, mannose, and fructose. A recent research found that glucomannan provides low calories. The viscosity of this substance decreases the absorption of glucose from the intestine. It is, therefore, suitable for weight-controlling people.
Product Name : Konjac Extract Powder Konjac or Stanley’s water-tub is the same type of herbaceous plant as Taro. It has been consumed as food for a long time. The Japanese believe that the starch from Konjac, when eaten helps to clean the intestine. The active ingredient that is commercially product is glucomannan. It is a long-chain carbohydrate consists of glucose, mannose, and fructose. A recent research found that glucomannan provides low calories. The viscosity of this substance decreases the absorption of glucose from the intestine. It is, therefore, suitable for weight-controlling people.
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Psyllium Husk Extract Powder
Product Name : Psyllium Husk Extract Powder Psyllium is an annual, acaulescent herb, native to Asia It is extensively grow worldwide. The seeds are used. Psyllium was also used topically to treat skin irritations, including poison ivy reactionsand insect bites and stings. In Chinese and Indian traditional medicines, it is use to treat diarrhea, hemorrhoids, bladder problems, and high blood pressure. Psyllium is a bulk-forming laxative and is high in both fiber and mucilage. Its seeds contain 10 - 30 % mucilage in the form of arabinoxylans. The laxative properties of psyllium are due to the swelling of the husk...
Product Name : Psyllium Husk Extract Powder Psyllium is an annual, acaulescent herb, native to Asia It is extensively grow worldwide. The seeds are used. Psyllium was also used topically to treat skin irritations, including poison ivy reactionsand insect bites and stings. In Chinese and Indian traditional medicines, it is use to treat diarrhea, hemorrhoids, bladder problems, and high blood pressure. Psyllium is a bulk-forming laxative and is high in both fiber and mucilage. Its seeds contain 10 - 30 % mucilage in the form of arabinoxylans. The laxative properties of psyllium are due to the swelling of the husk...
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herbal extract for food supplement
Senna Extract Liquid
Product Name : SennaExtract Liquid Senna is a small perennial shrub. It is native to tropical Africa and is now cultivated throughout that continent. Senna is obtained from two species: the frist one is known commercially as Tinnevelly Senna and grown predominantly in India. and the pods of Senna are used, the pods having a gentler action. The active principles of Senna are anthraquinone glycosides (Sennoside A and B), which act primarily on the colon. Added to this there are about 10% of mucilage, and tartrates, which inhibit the absorption of fluid from the gut and thus enhance the laxative...
Product Name : SennaExtract Liquid Senna is a small perennial shrub. It is native to tropical Africa and is now cultivated throughout that continent. Senna is obtained from two species: the frist one is known commercially as Tinnevelly Senna and grown predominantly in India. and the pods of Senna are used, the pods having a gentler action. The active principles of Senna are anthraquinone glycosides (Sennoside A and B), which act primarily on the colon. Added to this there are about 10% of mucilage, and tartrates, which inhibit the absorption of fluid from the gut and thus enhance the laxative...
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Sunchoke Extract Powder
Product Name : Sunchoke Extract Powder Sunchoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) is a species of sunflower in family Asteraceae. It is commonly known as Jerusalem arichoke, Sunroot, Sunchoke, Earth apple and also called Kaen-ta-wan in Thailand. Sunchoke is a herbaceous perennial plant, its flowers have yellow color. The tubers have light to dark brown color and look like ginger root. Sunchoke tuber as food is consumed in the form of fresh and cooked such as salad, roasted, steamed, boiled and fried. The main compounds in tuber are Inulin and Fructo-oligosaccharide. These compounds are a group of Polysaccharide. It can’t digest in...
Product Name : Sunchoke Extract Powder Sunchoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) is a species of sunflower in family Asteraceae. It is commonly known as Jerusalem arichoke, Sunroot, Sunchoke, Earth apple and also called Kaen-ta-wan in Thailand. Sunchoke is a herbaceous perennial plant, its flowers have yellow color. The tubers have light to dark brown color and look like ginger root. Sunchoke tuber as food is consumed in the form of fresh and cooked such as salad, roasted, steamed, boiled and fried. The main compounds in tuber are Inulin and Fructo-oligosaccharide. These compounds are a group of Polysaccharide. It can’t digest in...
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herbal extract for food supplement
Terminalia Extract Powder
Product Name : Terminalia Extract Powder Terminalia chebula belongs to the family of Combretaceae, locally known in Thai as “Samor Thai”. It is popular herbal in Thailand, India and South-East Asia because the whole plant have high medicinal value and traditionally used for the treatment of various ailments for human beings. Some of the folk medicine used this plant as laxative and treatment of asthma, sore throat, vomiting, hiccough, ulcers, gout, heart and bladder diseases. The Samor Thai tree is tall about 25-35 m in height. The fruit about 1-2 inches in size, it has five lines on the outer...
Product Name : Terminalia Extract Powder Terminalia chebula belongs to the family of Combretaceae, locally known in Thai as “Samor Thai”. It is popular herbal in Thailand, India and South-East Asia because the whole plant have high medicinal value and traditionally used for the treatment of various ailments for human beings. Some of the folk medicine used this plant as laxative and treatment of asthma, sore throat, vomiting, hiccough, ulcers, gout, heart and bladder diseases. The Samor Thai tree is tall about 25-35 m in height. The fruit about 1-2 inches in size, it has five lines on the outer...
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