Black Galingale Extract Liquid

Product Name : Black Galingale Extract Liquid

Black Galingale or Black Finger-Root is an herbaceous plant grown from a rhizome. The freshly insides of the tubers may be purple or black depending on soil conditions. Originally, Black Galingale was used by Mong tribal folk for easing muscle pains It also acts as a sexual stimulant and is said to cure impotency, Black Galingale is known as a Thai Ginseng. amoung
Thais due to its properties to induce a feeling of well being, energizes and create a balanced blood pressure as well as curing dysentery and stomach pains.For men,Black Galingale enchances the relaxation of vascular smooth muscle leading to an increase in blood circulation of male reproductive functions. For ladies, black-ginger promotes a glowing, healthy skin
and cure leucorrhoea. It also helps regulate menstruation cycle, cure diabetes, reduces fat in blood vessel and promotes longevity. Researches reports the active ingredients were found two flavanone compounds : 5 – hydroxy – 7 – methoxyflavanone or pinostrobin, and 5, 7 – dimethoxy lavanone and nine flavone compounds.


Product Name : Black Galingale Extract Liquid

Botanical Name : Kaempferia parviflora Wall. ex Baker


Common Name : Black Galingale, Gra-Chai-dam (in Thai)

Part Used : Rhizome

Black Galingale or Black Finger-Root is an herbaceous plant grown from a rhizome. The freshly insides of the tubers may be purple or black depending on soil conditions. Originally, Black Galingale was used by Mong tribal folk for easing muscle pains It also acts as a sexual stimulant and is said to cure impotency, Black Galingale is known as a Thai Ginseng. amoung
Thais due to its properties to induce a feeling of well being, energizes and create a balanced blood pressure as well as curing dysentery and stomach pains.For men,Black Galingale enchances the relaxation of vascular smooth muscle leading to an increase in blood circulation of male reproductive functions. For ladies, black-ginger promotes a glowing, healthy skin
and cure leucorrhoea. It also helps regulate menstruation cycle, cure diabetes, reduces fat in blood vessel and promotes longevity. Researches reports the active ingredients were found two flavanone compounds : 5 – hydroxy – 7 – methoxyflavanone or pinostrobin, and 5, 7 – dimethoxy lavanone and nine flavone compounds.


Active Ingredient of Black Galingale Extract


Properties & Application
  • Rejuvenation for men
  • Anti-oxidant
  • Increase blood circulation