Product Name : Cinnamomun porrectum Extract Powder
Botanical Name : Cinnamomum porrectum (Roxb.) Kosterm
Family Name : LAURACEAE
Common Name : Citronella laurel, True laures, Chuang-hom, Thep Taro ( in Thai )
Part Used : Heart wood

Product Name : Cinnamomun porrectum Extract Powder
Cinnamomum porrectum (Roxb.) Kosterm., (common name Thep Taro), is a rare medicinal and aromatic
tree mostly distributed throughout southern Thailand such as Phang Nga, Krabi, Trang and Pattalung. It is traditionally used for heart tonic, decrease colic, carminative, antipyretic and flavoring food. Cinnamomum porrectumshould be developed as a source of medicinal extracts which related using of Thai traditional medicine for health care products such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial.The main compound are Polyphenols andEssential oilssuch as Safrole, Elemicin, Eucalyptol, Terpinelo, etc.
Product Name : Cinnamomun porrectum Extract Powder
Botanical Name : Cinnamomum porrectum (Roxb.) Kosterm
Family Name : LAURACEAE
Common Name : Citronella laurel, True laures, Chuang-hom, Thep Taro ( in Thai )
Part Used : Heart wood
Product Name : Centella asiatica Extract Powder The Job’tear also known as Dua i or Luk dueai (in Thai). Each seed of the plant is produced individually, enclosed in a tear-shaped shell that is naturally a pale grey color. Job's tear is commonly used in Asia as food and medicine. It is also popularly used as a traditional herb to treat diuretic, anti-rheumatic, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, hypoglycemic and weight control. In China, it is one the most popular herbs used in the diet therapy for stiff joints. Coix is an important source of polysaccharide, protein, fiber and vitamin B1. Nowadays, it’s used...
Product Name : Centella asiatica Extract Powder The Job’tear also known as Dua i or Luk dueai (in Thai). Each seed of the plant is produced individually, enclosed in a tear-shaped shell that is naturally a pale grey color. Job's tear is commonly used in Asia as food and medicine. It is also popularly used as a traditional herb to treat diuretic, anti-rheumatic, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, hypoglycemic and weight control. In China, it is one the most popular herbs used in the diet therapy for stiff joints. Coix is an important source of polysaccharide, protein, fiber and vitamin B1. Nowadays, it’s used...
herbal extract for food supplement
Product Name : Elephantopus Scaber Extract Powder Elephantopus scaber also known as Do-Mai-Ru-Lom (in Thai), Elephant's foot or Solomon's seal. In the Southeast Asia it is used as a sexual tonic, diuretic, fever reduce, eliminate bladder stones, as well as to treat nephritis, edema, dampness, chest pain, pneumonia, scabies, arthralgia and leukemia. The phytochemicals constituents of this plant include flavonoilds, deoxyelephantopin, 11,13, dihydrodeoxyelephantopin, lupeol, epifriedelinol and stigmasterol. Pharmacological activities is anti-bacteria, anti-virus, Hepatoprotection, Anti-tumor and balance blood pres
Product Name : Elephantopus Scaber Extract Powder Elephantopus scaber also known as Do-Mai-Ru-Lom (in Thai), Elephant's foot or Solomon's seal. In the Southeast Asia it is used as a sexual tonic, diuretic, fever reduce, eliminate bladder stones, as well as to treat nephritis, edema, dampness, chest pain, pneumonia, scabies, arthralgia and leukemia. The phytochemicals constituents of this plant include flavonoilds, deoxyelephantopin, 11,13, dihydrodeoxyelephantopin, lupeol, epifriedelinol and stigmasterol. Pharmacological activities is anti-bacteria, anti-virus, Hepatoprotection, Anti-tumor and balance blood pres
Product Name : Giant Curcuma Extract Powder Giant curcuma is a zingiberaceous plant found both wild and cultivated in Thailand. The rhizome of this plant can be use for the treatment of the inflammation in postpartum uterine bleeding, emmenagogue., tonic and also choagogue. In Europe, it is also employed in choleretic drug preparations. In the present researches are revealed that xanthorrhizol could be involved in the protective effect on cisplatin-induced hepatotoxicity (liver damage), and nephrotoxicity (kidney damage), and anti-metastic (mutation antagonist), antitumor, and sedative activities. In cosmetics, It has the anti-inflammatory activity due to diarylheptanoids, such as alnustone and also...
Product Name : Giant Curcuma Extract Powder Giant curcuma is a zingiberaceous plant found both wild and cultivated in Thailand. The rhizome of this plant can be use for the treatment of the inflammation in postpartum uterine bleeding, emmenagogue., tonic and also choagogue. In Europe, it is also employed in choleretic drug preparations. In the present researches are revealed that xanthorrhizol could be involved in the protective effect on cisplatin-induced hepatotoxicity (liver damage), and nephrotoxicity (kidney damage), and anti-metastic (mutation antagonist), antitumor, and sedative activities. In cosmetics, It has the anti-inflammatory activity due to diarylheptanoids, such as alnustone and also...
Product Name : Acacia Concinna Extract Liquid Acacia concinna is a tree native to Asia. The plant is a prickly, scandent vine shrub occurring in Asia's tropical jungles. It is found in disturbed forests, in meadows and along rivers. The fruit looks like a pod and resembles the Tamarind fruit pod. The leaves have a sour taste, sort of like Tamarind pulp. In South India, the leaves are used to make Chutney. Thai people believe it to be an auspicious plant that brings luck and happiness. The plant is now cultivated commercially to meet the high demand in hair care and...
Product Name : Acacia Concinna Extract Liquid Acacia concinna is a tree native to Asia. The plant is a prickly, scandent vine shrub occurring in Asia's tropical jungles. It is found in disturbed forests, in meadows and along rivers. The fruit looks like a pod and resembles the Tamarind fruit pod. The leaves have a sour taste, sort of like Tamarind pulp. In South India, the leaves are used to make Chutney. Thai people believe it to be an auspicious plant that brings luck and happiness. The plant is now cultivated commercially to meet the high demand in hair care and...
Product Name : Coccinia grandis Extract Powder Coccinia grandis L. J. Voigt or Coccinia indica or Cocinia cordifolia is a plant in the Family Cucurbitaceae with the common name of Ivy gourd and Tum lung in Thai. It grows wildly throughout India Tropical Africa, Australia and other tropical countries. It is one of the medicinal herbs in the traditional practice of Bangladesh as well as Indian medicine. Coccinia grandis is an climbing shrub with white flower. Every part of the plant exhibit pharmacological activities, and is annual employed for treating various human ailments. Pharmacological effects include hypoglycemic activity, anti-oxidant, anti-inflam matory, antibacterial...
Product Name : Coccinia grandis Extract Powder Coccinia grandis L. J. Voigt or Coccinia indica or Cocinia cordifolia is a plant in the Family Cucurbitaceae with the common name of Ivy gourd and Tum lung in Thai. It grows wildly throughout India Tropical Africa, Australia and other tropical countries. It is one of the medicinal herbs in the traditional practice of Bangladesh as well as Indian medicine. Coccinia grandis is an climbing shrub with white flower. Every part of the plant exhibit pharmacological activities, and is annual employed for treating various human ailments. Pharmacological effects include hypoglycemic activity, anti-oxidant, anti-inflam matory, antibacterial...
Product Name : Honey Extract Powder Honey is the fluid that possesses high viscously and sweet in taste. It has been obtained from the bee’s products by accumulating the sweet fluid from the pollens. In traditional medicine, honey is used as a moisturizer, an intestinal emollient, a diuretic, and as an antidote. In addition to, it is used as a solvent for a medicine. In research reports, Honey has been useful in the treatment of surgical wounds, burns, and decubitus ulcers, and the antibacterial and antifungal properties. In burns in particular, honey has been found to control wound infection and...
Product Name : Honey Extract Powder Honey is the fluid that possesses high viscously and sweet in taste. It has been obtained from the bee’s products by accumulating the sweet fluid from the pollens. In traditional medicine, honey is used as a moisturizer, an intestinal emollient, a diuretic, and as an antidote. In addition to, it is used as a solvent for a medicine. In research reports, Honey has been useful in the treatment of surgical wounds, burns, and decubitus ulcers, and the antibacterial and antifungal properties. In burns in particular, honey has been found to control wound infection and...
herbal extract for food supplement
Product Name : Centotheca Lappacea Extract Powder Centotheca lappacea, a grass known in Thai as “Ya Hee Yoom” or “Ya Repair”, belongs to the traditional medicine in Thailand and many Southeast Asia countries for wound healing and muscle tightening in post labor women. The traditional usage is from the smoke of the burning grass both in the dry or fresh plant with wood fuel. The postpartum women, wearing a Thai traditional dress called “Sarong” will stand over the pile of burning wood with the grass to be smoked on the treated area. Another way to use is by boiling the...
Product Name : Centotheca Lappacea Extract Powder Centotheca lappacea, a grass known in Thai as “Ya Hee Yoom” or “Ya Repair”, belongs to the traditional medicine in Thailand and many Southeast Asia countries for wound healing and muscle tightening in post labor women. The traditional usage is from the smoke of the burning grass both in the dry or fresh plant with wood fuel. The postpartum women, wearing a Thai traditional dress called “Sarong” will stand over the pile of burning wood with the grass to be smoked on the treated area. Another way to use is by boiling the...
herbal extract for food supplement
Product Name : Asparagus racemosus Extract Powder Asparagus racemosus Willd. is also called Shatavari in India and Rak-Samsip or Samroi-Rak in Thailand. Rak-Samsip is a small woody cliamber, the leaves are of pine needle shape. The roots are tuberous, finger shaped and clustered. Asparagus racemosus is mainly known for its phytoestrogenic properties. Its root has been used of the Ayuravedic medicine for female’s health such as increase in milk secretion, aphrodisiac, prevent abortion and antispasmodic. The major active constituents of Rak-Samsip are Steroidal saponins known as Shatavarins, Triterpeniods and Flavonoids. These compounds have many properties such as galactagogue, treatment of...
Product Name : Asparagus racemosus Extract Powder Asparagus racemosus Willd. is also called Shatavari in India and Rak-Samsip or Samroi-Rak in Thailand. Rak-Samsip is a small woody cliamber, the leaves are of pine needle shape. The roots are tuberous, finger shaped and clustered. Asparagus racemosus is mainly known for its phytoestrogenic properties. Its root has been used of the Ayuravedic medicine for female’s health such as increase in milk secretion, aphrodisiac, prevent abortion and antispasmodic. The major active constituents of Rak-Samsip are Steroidal saponins known as Shatavarins, Triterpeniods and Flavonoids. These compounds have many properties such as galactagogue, treatment of...
herbal extract for food supplement
Product Name : Butea superba Extract Powder Butea is a big - sized climbing plant with similar characteristics to those of Pueraria mirifica, except for a larger and thicker leaf. The root is cylindrical in shape and yellow in color and Butea superba is typically found in the northern, northeastern, and western regions of Thailand. Butea Superba, an alternative remedy of natural health products to improve sexual performance. Erectile dysfunction is the inaability of a man to maintain erection of the penis. The famous oral therapy for erectile dysfunction is sildenafil citrate that widely known as viagra. Butea Superba extract...
Product Name : Butea superba Extract Powder Butea is a big - sized climbing plant with similar characteristics to those of Pueraria mirifica, except for a larger and thicker leaf. The root is cylindrical in shape and yellow in color and Butea superba is typically found in the northern, northeastern, and western regions of Thailand. Butea Superba, an alternative remedy of natural health products to improve sexual performance. Erectile dysfunction is the inaability of a man to maintain erection of the penis. The famous oral therapy for erectile dysfunction is sildenafil citrate that widely known as viagra. Butea Superba extract...
Product Name : Antidesma Extract Powder Antidesma bunius is also known as Mamao Luang or Mao Luang ( in Thai ). Mamao Luang, a kind of medicinal fruit trees could be found in most of dipterocarp forested areas in Northeast Thailand. The small oval shape of fruit when ripe has an attractive bright red. Some people in Thailand used the fruits when ripe as a medicinal plant. Nowadays, Mamao Luang fruits have been used as a raw material for making tasty jelly jam, drinking juices, juice concentrate and wine. It has been advocated that juices derived from ripe fruits could...
Product Name : Antidesma Extract Powder Antidesma bunius is also known as Mamao Luang or Mao Luang ( in Thai ). Mamao Luang, a kind of medicinal fruit trees could be found in most of dipterocarp forested areas in Northeast Thailand. The small oval shape of fruit when ripe has an attractive bright red. Some people in Thailand used the fruits when ripe as a medicinal plant. Nowadays, Mamao Luang fruits have been used as a raw material for making tasty jelly jam, drinking juices, juice concentrate and wine. It has been advocated that juices derived from ripe fruits could...
Product Name : Cassia Siamea also known as Cassod Tree, Khee-lek (in Thai). The leaves even-pinnate, young leaves covered with greenish brown and flowers have yellow color. It is a medicinal plant popularly used in Thailand. The fresh young flowers and young leaves have been used as vegetables in Thailand. They can be prepared as food by cooking with coconut milk, curry paste and cooked as a curry which is used as a mild laxative and sleeping aid. The young leaves contain barakol. That can depress central nervous system, help to relieve of stress and sleep easy.
Product Name : Cassia Siamea also known as Cassod Tree, Khee-lek (in Thai). The leaves even-pinnate, young leaves covered with greenish brown and flowers have yellow color. It is a medicinal plant popularly used in Thailand. The fresh young flowers and young leaves have been used as vegetables in Thailand. They can be prepared as food by cooking with coconut milk, curry paste and cooked as a curry which is used as a mild laxative and sleeping aid. The young leaves contain barakol. That can depress central nervous system, help to relieve of stress and sleep easy.
BREWER YEAST is a product resulting from the fermentation of beer brewing : ㆍHigh protein value (> 40%); ㆍExcellent amino acid profile; ㆍHigh B-vitamin levels. In addition to its nutritional properties, Brewcell is an outstanding flavoring agent and it is especially recommended for Premium
BREWER YEAST is a product resulting from the fermentation of beer brewing : ㆍHigh protein value (> 40%); ㆍExcellent amino acid profile; ㆍHigh B-vitamin levels. In addition to its nutritional properties, Brewcell is an outstanding flavoring agent and it is especially recommended for Premium
เราใช้คุกกี้เพื่อพัฒนาประสิทธิภาพ และประสบการณ์ที่ดีในการใช้เว็บไซต์ของคุณ คุณสามารถศึกษารายละเอียดได้ที่ นโยบายความเป็นส่วนตัว และสามารถจัดการความเป็นส่วนตัวเองได้ของคุณได้เองโดยคลิกที่ ตั้งค่า