Coriander Extract Powder

Product Name : Coriander Extract Powder

Coriander is native to Thailand. The leaves are variable in shape, broadly lobe at the base of the plant, slender and look like a feather higher on the flowering stems. The flowers are small umbels with white or very pale pink color. All parts of the plant (leaves, seed and root) are edible and most commonly used in cooking. Both the leaves and seeds are rich in volatile essential oils that act mainly on the digestive system, stimulating the appetite and relieving irritation. Moreover, it has been used as a folk medicine in many countries


Product Name : Coriander Extract Powder

Botanical Name Coriandrum sativum Linn.

Family Name : APIACEAE

Common Name : Coriander, Phak-chee (in Thai)

Part Used : Leaves

Coriander is native to Thailand. The leaves are variable in shape, broadly lobe at the base of the plant, slender and look like a feather higher on the flowering stems. The flowers are small umbels with white or very pale pink color. All parts of the plant (leaves, seed and root) are edible and most commonly used in cooking. Both the leaves and seeds are rich in volatile essential oils that act mainly on the digestive system, stimulating the appetite and relieving irritation. Moreover, it has been used as a folk medicine in many countries.


Active Ingredients of Coriander Extract

Properties & Application
  • Anti-oxidant
  • Anti-bacterial
  • Traditional treatment for diabetes
  • Flavoring agent
  • Carminative and digestive aidCoriander used as ingredient for cooking and traditional medicine for treating some disorder.