herbal extract for cosmetic
Product Name : Orchid Extract Powder The Orchidaceae, commonly referred to as the orchid family. Orchid, is widely grown in the northern region of Thailand. The Orchid flower is rich in zinc, calcium, magnesium, iron, and copper. Thailand has used the orchid flower as decoration, cosmeceutical and medicinal purposes for centuries. In Thai traditional medicine orchid flower is used as a remedy to heal swelling for the skin, and protecting the skin from skin diseases. The orchid also has the property to fight free radicals as well. The orchid is also use as a great skin moisturizer in lotion and...
Product Name : Orchid Extract Powder The Orchidaceae, commonly referred to as the orchid family. Orchid, is widely grown in the northern region of Thailand. The Orchid flower is rich in zinc, calcium, magnesium, iron, and copper. Thailand has used the orchid flower as decoration, cosmeceutical and medicinal purposes for centuries. In Thai traditional medicine orchid flower is used as a remedy to heal swelling for the skin, and protecting the skin from skin diseases. The orchid also has the property to fight free radicals as well. The orchid is also use as a great skin moisturizer in lotion and...
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